We offer all-inclusive pricing for EDGE certification and auditing so you have a clear understanding of all associated costs

Our strategy is to make sure you are getting a fair price based on the work required to deliver EDGE services. 

We price based on how the project will be assessed in the EDGE App. We do not consider the floor area of a project in a price, making it more accessible for all sized projects to attain certification. 

We have three categories of pricing:

standard projects, non-standard projects and portfolio projects.

Standard Projects:

For any project that meets the below criteria, the fees are fixed, regardless of the location or size of the buildings.

Non-Standard Projects:

If your project does not fall in the standard category, we need some information from you to help us calculate the price.

The most important thing for us to understand is how many assessments on EDGE will need reviewing and how the development will be run through construction phases.

Fill out our form with some information on your project and we can calculate a price for you

Portfolio Projects:

Interested in certifying a portfolio of buildings? This could be your pipeline of future developments or your portfolio of existing buildings across multiple sites, locations and/or countries.

We offer custom portfolio pricing to allow companies to implement EDGE across all of their buildings and scale in a cost-effective and resource-efficient way.

Get in touch to discuss your portfolio 

Helping navigate the road to a sustainable future.