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We believe that knowledge sharing will help us drive the transition to a net zero future.

LCAW: Can Net Zero Homes Be Affordable?

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Part of London Climate Action Week, this webinar delves into one of the biggest topics today: the intersection of affordability and sustainability. Speakers from the World Green Building Council, Etopia and the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development.

What Do Financiers Look for in Green  Buildings?

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Find out what financiers look for when investing in green real estate, and what solutiosn are available for developers and building owners for new build and retrofit. Speakers from Standard Chartered Bank, Lloyds Bank, IFC, Etopia Group and SGS.

Every Building Can Be Green: Intro to EDGE

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Up until now, green buildings have been a luxury good and only implemented on flagship projects. This webinar shows how EDGE makes it possible for every single building on this planet to be green, from the local supermarket all the way through to a high-end hotel. Speaker from Sintali.

Beyond Individual Buildings: EDGE at scale

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To truly address the climate crisis, we must green every single building around the world. This webinar delves into how EDGE makes it possible to certify thousands of buildings in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Speakers from SGS and Sintali.

Streamlining the EDGE Process to Maximise ROI

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Optimise your investment in EDGE certification with better processes and resource planning. Our team shares insights on the common mistakes that slowdown the certification process and show best practices from around the world. Speakers from SGS and Sintali. 

Chaque Bâtiment Peut être Vert Grâce à la Certification EDGE

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Ce webinaire présentera le label EDGE, qui repose sur une application et une certification qui aide les entreprises à quantifier les impacts environnementaux de leur patrimoine immobilier et à s’assurer de l’efficacité de leurs bâtiments en matière de ressources (énergie et eau). Présentateur de Batisphere.

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Find out how green buildings fit into a company’s sustainability strategy. We were joined by SGS Thailand, Layan Green Park and Ardor Green to discuss how green building certification to garner business benefits and how the free EDGE tool can be used to help business meet their sustainability and net zero targets.

Acelerar las Inversiones en Bienes Raíces Verdes

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Aprenda cómo las instituciones financieras en América Latina pueden avanzar en sus programas de bienes raíces sostenibles al brindar asistencia técnica a los desarrolladores con el uso de EDGE. Panelistas de IFC, Sintali y SGS. 

Implementación De Edificios Verdes a Escala

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Aprende cómose puede implementar EDGE a escala en portafolios y cómo EDGE se está implementando a escala a partir de estudios de casos en Latinoamerica. Panelistas de Sintali, SGS, LatAm Logistic Properties y Constructora Bolivar.

Κάθε Κτίριο Μπορεί Να Γίνει Πράσινο

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Τα πράσινα κτήρια φέρνουν οφέλη αλλά δεν υπάρχει ένας μεγάλος αριθμός τέτοιων κτιρίων στην χώρα μας. Πώς μπορούμε να υιοθετήσουμε ένα πρόγραμμα παρεμβάσεων σε ένα μεγάλο αριθμό κτιρίων και όχι μόνο για τα καινούργια κτίρια στην Ελλάδα; Παρουσιαστές από την SGS και την Sintali.

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